Uno Skip
Two-player UNO requires several special rules which make this version of the game a little different from multi-player UNO. If you have more than two players you may want to read our other article on how to play UNO. The rules described in this article are based on the official UNO instruction sheet, which you can download at the end of this post.
Today, Skip-Bo is played and enjoyed by millions worldwide. Be the first to get rid of all your cards in your Stock Pile by laying them all down in the Building Piles. Skip-Bo is a simple card game that is based on sequencing the numbers, and there are 162 cards in the box. There are only two types of cards in the game. SkiaSharp fork for the Uno Platform and WebAssembly. Skia is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for.NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that. UNO First is the University's annual fund which supports all aspects of the student experience. It resources scholarships, state-of-the-art facilities, and academic program enhancements and provides flexibility for the University to respond to challenges as they arise.
Object of the Game
Uno Skip Rules
The first player to score 500 points wins! Getting to 500 points with just two players may take a while and many rounds of play. Your objective during each round is to be the first player to play all of your cards. You score points for the cards the other player is left holding.
Setting up the Game

- Shuffle the deck.
- Each player draws a card.
- The player with the highest card is the dealer.
- Dealer shuffles again.
- Deal each player seven cards.
- Place the deck face down – this is the draw pile.
- Turn over the top card and place it face up.
- This becomes the discard pile.
- Note: if this first card is wild or wild draw 4, put it back in the deck and turn over another card.
Game Play
- The player who is not the dealer plays first.
- Match the card on top of the discard pile by number, color, or with a wild or wild draw 4 card.
- If you don’t have a matching card in your hand, pick a card from the draw pile.
- If you draw a matching card, play it.
- Otherwise, it’s the other player’s turn.
- Important: Before playing your next-to-last card, you have to say “Uno.” If you don’t and the other player catches you before they play a card or draw one, you have to pick four more cards!
- Once a player plays her last card, she wins the hand, and it’s over.
- Count the points for the cards the other player is left holding.
- Switch dealers and play again, until one player reaches 500 points.
Special Cards
- Skip card: immediately play another card.
- Reverse card: works just like a skip card in two-player UNO
- Draw-2 card: other player draws two cards and play returns to you
- Draw-4 card: other player draws four cards and play returns to you
Uno Skip Symbol
Summing Up
UNO is a fun game, even with only two players. If you already know how to play UNO with multiple players, then you only need to keep a few specific rules in mind. And those are really just tweaks on how some special cards are played. Feel free to download the official UNO instructions from the link below, and learn more about UNO.